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Frequently Asked Questions

1.   Who can use the services of Aged Rights Advocacy Service (ARAS)?  Does
       it cost anything?




2.   What are my rights and are they different to anyone else’s rights?

3.    Advocacy – what does it mean and how does ARAS advocate for older

4.    What if the older person has dementia or has had a stroke and can’t make        decisions for themselves’, how can you ensure their rights are upheld?

5.    Would the advocate speak directly to an alleged abuser?

6.    Can ARAS give legal advice?

7.    Can I remain anonymous?


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Advocacy is the process of standing alongside an individual who is disadvantaged and speaking out on their behalf in a way that represents the best interests of that person (adapted from the Institute for Family Advocacy and Leadership Development in Australia). 


ARAS will work directly with permission of the older person who is able to make their own decisions and express their wishes or with the older person’s representative.  The association with ARAS is continuous until the issues are resolved or the older person or representative no longer wishes to proceed. 

Advocating for older people includes providing information about rights and entitlements when it comes to receiving aged care services.   We will also support people to address issues of concern or who are experiencing abuse from someone that the older person should be able to trust, such as family.  In this situation, we will provide information and strategies as well as any positive and negative consequences of any suggested course of action.  We will suggest ways to safeguard your future, maintain control and improve your quality of life.

What is important to remember is that we clearly take the side of the older person whose rights are being breached.   

If ARAS is unable to resolve the older person’s concerns, the advocate will provide information and referral to other services, who can assist.

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