In your language
The information on our website is available in other languages to help people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds to learn more about APEA.
Safeguard your Finances (Chinese)
Safeguard your Finances (Greek)
Safeguard your Finances (Italian)
Safeguard your Finances (Polish)
Safeguard your Finances (Vietnamese)
Appointing an Enduring Power of Attorney (Chinese)
Appointing an Enduring Power of Attorney (Italian)
Appointing an Enduring Power of Attorney (Vietnamese)
The duties and responsibilities of your Enduring Power of Attorney (Chinese)
The duties and responsibilities of your Enduring Power of Attorney (Greek)
The duties and responsibilities of your Enduring Power of Attorney (Italian)
The duties and responsibilities of your Enduring Power of Attorney (Polish)
The duties and responsibilities of your Enduring Power of Attorney (Vietnamese)