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Frequently Asked Questions
1. What happens if I don’t have an Advance Care Directive in place and I am not able to make my own decisions?
2. What kind of disagreements can arise about an Advance Care Directive?
3. Who can help my Substitute Decision-Makers, relatives or friends resolve a conflict about my health, accommodation or personal issues?
4. How will my voice be heard during a conflict?
5. What if there is a dispute about my decision making capacity?
The Office of the Public Advocate has a Dispute Resolution Service (OPA DRS) that can assist to resolve disagreements.
The OPA DRS can offer initial assistance by providing advice and information about the Advance Care Directives Act as it applies to the person’s situation.
The OPA DRS has developed a mediation service where everyone involved in the dispute can come together to discuss the issues, with the help of an experienced and impartial mediator. The aim of this service is to reach an agreement that will respect the person’s views and wishes.
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