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"Elder Abuse in Australia" - Australian Law Reform Commission Inquiry
The Inquiry will build on the ALRC’s work around respect for the will, preferences and rights of vulnerable Australians, delivered in its 2014 report Equality, Capacity and Disability in Commonwealth Laws (ALRC Report 124)



"Stop Elder Abuse Campaign"  -  SA Health

A new information, advice and awareness campaign launched by SA Health on the prevention of Elder Abuse be it physical, mental or financial. Everyone can help prevent elder abuse by learning what it is, how to recognise the signs and know what supports are available in the community.

Tel. toll free 1800 372 310 for the SA Elder Abuse Prevention Phone Line.

An initiative of SA Health - find out more by visiting:




Legal Services Commission

Information, advice and minor assistance including advice on the preparation of Enduring Power of Attorney and Guardianship.

Tel. 1300 366 424 for Legal Help Line
Mon to Fri 9:00am to 4:30pm

The Commission's CBD office is located at 159 Gawler Place, Adelaide.

Tel. 8111 5555 for free half hour appointments at offices in Adelaide, Elizabeth, Noarlunga, Port Adelaide, Mount Barker, Whyalla and Port Augusta.

Summary of all the laws in South Australia can be found at



Office of the Public Advocate
Promotes and protects the rights of people with mental incapacity.
Tel. 8342 8200 or 1800 066 969      
General enquiries Mon to Fri 9am to 5pm


South Australia Police (SAPOL)
Prevents, detects and investigates reports of crime.

Tel. Triple Zero (000) in an emergency. 

Tel. 131 444 for non-urgent police assistance.


SAPOL’s Home Assist Program
Provides crime prevention advice and coordinates services to assist older people and those with a disability, to safely remain in their own home.
Tel. 7322 3211


Public Trustee
Advice, preparation and management of Enduring Powers of Attorney and Wills.
Tel. 8226 9200 or Toll free 1800 673 119



Aged Rights Advocacy Service
Provides support to uphold the rights of older people who are at risk of, or experiencing abuse by family or friends.
Tel. 8232 5377 or Toll free 1800 700 600 

TTY 13 36 77 or SSR 1300 555 727 

For more information or support to uphold your rights, please contact ARAS:16 Hutt Street, Adelaide SA 5000

© 2024 by Alliance for the Prevention of Elder Abuse.


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